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Trees From Above

Greenhouse Gases

Greenhouse Gas Emissions Management

The trend of global warming driven by climate change is increasingly evident. As a member of the global community, our company is committed to doing its part to protect the planet. To understand our emissions, the company conducted its first greenhouse gas (GHG) inventory in 2014 in accordance with the ISO/CNS-14064-1 standard, verified by a third-party agency, achieving a reasonable assurance level. From 2015 onward, we have continued to conduct self-assessments, setting our 2013 emissions level as the base year to establish a foundation for future GHG reduction efforts. Due to significant changes arising from adjustments in materiality identification in 2023, we have updated our base year to 2023. Materiality assessment now includes indirect emissions in significant categories. Compared to 2022, the assessment scope has been narrowed by excluding Category 3 upstream/downstream transportation and distribution, as well as Category 4 purchased goods. Third-party verification was completed in 2024.


GHG Inventory Results

The GHG inventory follows ISO/CNS-14064-1 standards, with both qualitative and quantitative inventories for Category 1 and Category 2 emissions. Based on the materiality assessment, the 2023 inventory included Category 3 emissions from employee commuting and business travel, as well as Category 4 emissions from company-related waste.


In 2022, total GHG emissions for the Huaya, Dayuan, and Dayuan No. 2 plants were 17,191.763 tons CO2e, 29,048.414 tons CO2e, and 11,603.235 tons CO2e, respectively, with no biogenic emissions. Emission breakdowns by category at the Huaya plant were 1.34% for Category 1, 35.15% for Category 2, and 63.52% for Categories 3-6. At the Dayuan plant, the proportions were 0.49% for Category 1, 42.80% for Category 2, and 56.71% for Categories 3-6. At the Dayuan No. 2 plant, the proportions were 2.95% for Category 1, 72.94% for Category 2, and 24.11% for Categories 3-6.


In 2023, total GHG emissions for the Huaya, Dayuan, and Dayuan No. 2 plants were 6,769.693 tons CO2e, 11,509.185 tons CO2e, and 10,348.656 tons CO2e, respectively, again with no biogenic emissions. Emission breakdowns by category at the Huaya plant were 3.4% for Category 1, 88.89% for Category 2, and 7.71% for Categories 3-6. At the Dayuan plant, the proportions were 1.14% for Category 1, 97.10% for Category 2, and 1.76% for Categories 3-6. At the Dayuan No. 2 plant, the proportions were 0.69% for Category 1, 97.57% for Category 2, and 1.74% for Categories 3-6.

Greenhouse Gases Emission Target

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2023 GHG Emission

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2022 GHG Emission

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